Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First Capital Connect says fares are sky high because they are improving the Network

The train fair from Harpenden into London is enough to take your breath away. In fact - due to overcrowding on the train - I saw a lady faint the other day. A combination of extravagant trains fares plus the unseasonable heat.

I don't get the - "we're charging you a small fortune so we can improve the network" argument!? Once it has been finally been improved - the fares will come down... hilarious bunch of suckers the commuter.

Its only a 30 minute ride into London - so for me - don't worry about improving the network - just make it cheaper and more efficient please.

Why bother improving something - if improving it - makes it more expensive.

Does anyone actually complain about the fares - I thought Poms were famous for whinging.

Perhaps everyone is too tired and gray to complain?

As an example of how ridiculous the fares are - lets compare to a much longer and less populated train route... Wellington to Waikanae  (New Zealand) a month is:

$291.60 NZD or 145 pounds - the trip takes an hour.


326 pounds....


What happened to economies of scale?

The reality is - its a nasty stealth tax - but no-one complains here... they have given up.

So - I would be very happy to pay 145 pounds and stand (like all the poor suckers who get on at St Albans do anyway!).

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